After working through all 23 things I had a few that I really enjoyed and will continue to use after this experience: mashups, iGoogle, GoogleReader, LibraryThing, and photostory.
I would say that my lifelong learning goals have changed because I now realize there are so many tools out there that I need and want to learn about. Just working through these 23 things, I realized there is so much more I could be doing at school.
I had heard about, and even used, some of the tools/programs from 23 things before starting, but I found a lot of things that I wish I had when I was teaching in my own classroom. I can not wait to share some of these with my teachers.
Change the format? Nonsense, I like it the way it is. You have incorporated some of the tools we learn about in your format.
Yes, I would participate in another discovery program.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thing #23
Thing #22
Teacher Library Ning has a lot of features: several groups you can join, Blog, Forums/Discussions, videos, photos, activities, School Library Journal Podcasts, etc. I really liked this Ning and I felt welcomed the minute I opened up the link. I read several of the forums/discussions and wanted to join right away because I could relate to the problems they were discussing and had comments to add. I think Nings are a great way to start interacting with people around the world with the same interests... in this case being a librarian. I think making a school Ning would be a good way to get my staff interacting with each other and maybe even promote collaboration.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thing #21
I played around with Photostory and fell in love with it. I have decided that I will start posting my pictures on my personal blog using Photostory. The one I created above is from my wedding.
Audacity and Photostory are great resources for school libraries. Both could be used to review books - either by the librarian or students. Photostory would be a great way to introduce new books and promote special programs. I plan on exploring both Audacity and Photostory more and hope to use both at work and home.
Thing #20
I got the above video from YouTube and it is a librarian's manifesto about becoming a 2.0 librarian and making her library 2.0 compatible.
I also got this video from YouTube. It is called March of the Librarians. It is a spoof of the movie March of the Penguins. It is about the 2007 ALA conference in Seattle. It is really cute.
I think it is important to allow teachers and librarians to have access to sites like YouTube and TeacherTube. Not only can a lot of the videos be used to help teach the necessary curriculum, but they can be used to show students that they can also create their own videos. Wouldn't it be awesome to give your class an assignment that involved them creating their own videos and posting them on TeacherTube? I noticed several student-created videos on there already.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thing #19 part 2
The part that I liked the best was after you created your comic and published it, Comiqs gives you the option of posting it in different spots - blogger, flickr, etc.
I started my own comic called The Question of the Day. The first one is just below this post.
Thing #18
I like that the document stays in one place and then the collaborators can fix and change the document without creating more versions of it with a never-ending attachment trail. However, what happens when you realize the first version was the best? Can you get it back? I like the idea of Google Docs, but I think I would still try to save the different versions just to be on the safe side.
Thing #17
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thing #16
Thing #15
I just finished teaching all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders about all of the databases our school district provides them. After 3 -4 weeks of going over everyone (in detail), the kids finally realized they have a library at their fingertips - on their computers. When I was explaining World Book Online and Britannica Online, I showed them a real encyclopedia. Most had no idea what it was! I told them a story of when I was in elementary school and how my mom would have to take me to the public library on Saturdays and we would spend the morning in the reference section of the library hoping no other kid was using the same volume that I needed. I then explained to them, that now I stay in my pajamas and do all my research on my computer.
It was amazing how I showed the students these resources and how they have started using them. The kids are ready for all of the Web 2.0 stuff, but are the teachers/librarians ready to teach them?
Web 2.0 is changing things, especially the library. Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 are good changes and I can't wait to see what comes next.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thing #14
I did a keyword search for 'School Library Learning 2.0' and I found 0 blog posts, 4 tags, and 38 blogs. After finding the link to the popular blogs, searches, and top 100, I found an interesting blog titled - Blog tips to help you make money blogging. I also noticed that most of the top blogs were blogs about blogs.
I joined Technorati and I even claimed my blog, but to tell you the truth I do not think I will ever use it again. I found it very confusing and I did not like the lay out at all. From my viewpoint, I can not figure out a way that Technorati will ever assist me. Every other thing that I have been exploring for my 23 things has been somewhat useful, but I did not enjoy this thing at all.
After completing all of the things that had me learn and explore tagging, I think tagging is very useful - especially when I can select the tags myself. I think it a better way of organizing web sites and blogs.
Thing #13
I think social bookmarking sites can be used either as a research assistance or just as a place to store your bookmarks. I think it depends on the person who is using it and what their needs are. Like the tutorial ( said, it is a great tool for building a shared reading list, finding information for research, and just to share great web sites.
There are many ways a library could take advantage of using a social bookmarking site. For example, if a class is doing research on endangered animals then the librarian could tag several web sites and then have the students access those sites through the social bookmarking site. Students could also see and use the most popular sites with that tag.
Thing #12
The first point that I think is important was commandment #1 - Read before you write. It said that you should always read the full blog and completely understand it before posting a comment. It is like the saying, 'think before you speak' - you do not want to put your foot in your mouth and you do not want to feel foolish.
The second point that I think is important was commandment #4 - Contribute. This point was in all of the articles about commenting. It emphasizes not to just post a simple comment like 'Nice job,' but add something that will contribute to the topic and continue a conversation.
I have not commented on any blogs yet... more to come later...